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Dog Walk

Join Walt and The Pack for Boarding & Training at OnPoint-K9. This weekly stay & train program is intended to jump start your dog’s training. We offer a balanced routine encompassing daily physical activity and mental exercise. Weekly private lessons with the family are required to learn leash and e-collar skills and encourage lasting results.



Proper management will limit unwanted behaviors. Management is the way we live with our dog in our home and the way we handle them out in the world. We will teach you to create rythm in your home and your dog the appropriate times to play and rest.


At OnPoint-K9 we define a social dog as one that is able to focus on their owner before yielding to distractions. Through training sessions, supervised play times and calm time we will teach your dog how to remain attentive in distracting environments.


Training gives us the tools to clearly tell our dog what is expected of them. Dogs in our program receive one on one obedience sessions to learn their commands. We will then teach you how to direct, reward & correct your dog so you can be successful at home.

Walter Quense

Katherine Guenther




On Leash Basic Training:

Our 2 week On Leash Training program takes dogs through marker training and leash pressure training. The main focus of basic on-leash training revolves around loose leash walking and in home manners. Examples of some of the commands taught in this program: No pulling on leash, Sit, Down, Wait, Walk, Good, Climb, and No.

Rate: Starting at $1200/week

Off Leash Advanced Training:

Our 4 week ECollar Training program starts with our On Leash Training program and advances to e-collar pressure training. The main focus of ECollar Training revolves around off leash skills and confidence building between you and your dog in the home and in public. Examples of some of the commands taught in this program: Come, Sit, Down, Wait, Walk, Good, No, Off, Climb, and how to respond to their name.

Rate: Starting at $1000/week

How it Works:

Dogs are dropped off for training on Monday and boarded until Friday. Your dog will receive one on one training sessions throughout the week. On Friday, you will receive a 1 hour training lesson and your dog will go home over the weekend to practice their new skills at home. Weekend boarding can be arranged depending on availability. 


A limited number of dogs are enrolled per week. 

  • What training methods are used?
    At OnPoint-K9 we teach and support balanced dog training methods. We love using treats, toys, or petting to reward good behavior. We also teach pressure training so that the training will be reliable and your dog will listen to you in many situations (not just in your kitchen). We want to teach you how to reward your dog effectively and how to correct them effectively so that they do not ignore you when you tell them “no.” Dogs are taken through a progression of training steps to support longer-term learning and reliability. These steps would take the dog and owners through Marker Training and Leash pressure which later turns to Remote Collar Pressure.
  • Why Should I invest in a board & train program?
    At OnPoint-K9 we want to build a relationship with your dog so we can customize your dog’s training experience. The board and train program gives us the time to teach your dog a new communication system, without rushing them. Your dog will get a well-rounded experience, learning how to behave in the home and out in the world.
  • Why a 2-4 week minimum commitment?
    Our goal is to build your dog's confidence in understanding and executing the training it learns at OnPoint. Adjusting to a new setting and learning how to properly respond to our training in different contexts do just that. We want to ensure that your dog has the proper amount of time he/she needs to completely understand the training. OnPoint training is teaching your dog how to effectively understand direction and communicate with us in return, which is similar to learning a new language. Learning a new language takes time and practice. We take specific steps each week to ease your dog into the learning process. Rushing this process and skipping steps can be stressful for your dog and can hinder their understanding of the training. OnPoint Foundation Programs build the proper framework your dog needs to be successful, making maintenance in your home a bit easier.
  • Where does my dog stay during his/her training program?
    When your dog joins our OnPoint-K9 team they become part of our family and pack of dogs. Your dog will stay with us in our home and join us on our daily adventures to get a full immersion training experience. Dogs will sleep in the crate during the night and when they are not supervised.
  • Will my dog be fully trained when they come home?
    Having a reliable dog will take years. Additionally, it will take many hours of practice for you as a dog owner to learn how to properly communicate with your dog. At OnPoint-K9 we will jump-start your dog’s training process and get them on the path to success while coaching you on how to maintain and advance your dog’s training within your home.
  • Does my dog get to play with other dogs?
    Social dogs are given daily supervised play time. The dogs are put in play groups based on age, temperament, and size. We regularly use our trainer's dogs to help build social skills with your dogs.
  • What if my dog isn’t crate trained?
    If your dog has never been in a crate or has outgrown it, your trainer will work with your dog to make sure the transition is comfortable. At the end of the day, your dog will be exhausted from the mental and physical exercise they recieve. The crate will become a safe place for them to rest away from the other dogs.
  • What do I have to do to maintain my dog’s training?
    Practicing 10-20 minutes of formal training per day is ideal. Maintaining behaviors throughout your daily routine is vital. These behaviors can include waiting at doors, waiting for meals, climb, etc. Trainers are always available during/after training to answer any questions that may arise during the maintenance of training. Follow-up lessons with a trainer are strongly encouraged.


New Jersey Dog Training
Dog Training
Training Inquiry


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Obedience Dog Training

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